Published on: October 7, 2016

Advance Report

Radio Show

Important money flows in the 4th quarter this year can be explained as tax loss motivated selling. For investors the concept is vital to protect capital from short term downdrafts.

Halloween marks the institutional tax loss selling deadline for mutual funds to reduce capital gains distributions. The deadline for individual tax

This week’s pounding in shares of biotech companies like Gilead, Valiant, and Epipen maker Mylan continued a correction that began in the summer of 2015. The relentless biotech selling pressure is a sharp contrast to the overly optimistic momentum buying in the first half of 2015.

This weekend’s program will explore warnings and lessons from biotech and other sectors.

Headline RoundUp!

*More Jobs! Over 150,000 Net New Jobs in September.

*Biotech Wreck!

*SNAP! Snapchat files a $25 Billion IPO with revenues of just $367 Million. “I’m Out.”

*Texas Pacific Land Surges on Texas Real Estate Boom!

*Q3 Performance Numbers:

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Profit Report:

*Snoop Weed on Fire! Rapper Snoop Dogg signed a partnership with Canopy Growth in Canada sending shares skyrocketing in anticipation of his “Leafs by Snoop” hitting stores in October.

*“No Tellin’ Where the Money Went!”

The Justice Department assaulted Deutsche Bank with a demand for $14 Billion dating back to 2005 pre crisis activities. Alex Tollen brings us a special report on where the Federal fines go after the banks pay.
*Hundreds of billions of dollars in motion! Money market regulation changes have resulted in huge capital flight from traditional money markets. Why does this matter for investors and what does it mean for 2017?

*Trustee Boot Camp and Beneficiary Selection

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