Published on: January 7, 2022

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - January 10, 2022

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for January 10, 2022.

Advance Report

Radio Show

What investments are leading in the first week of 2022?
What do these investments this tell us about 2022?
Which Texas companies are outperforming their peers on share price so far?
What does Dalbar Research teach us about the investment process?
What are the possible equity market dangers for investors in 2022?
What is the McGowanGroup process for Investment Planning and decision making?


Headline Round Up

*The 10 Best Performing Commodities of 2021!
*Federal Reserve Minutes Trigger Mini Taper Tantrum? What did they really say?
*Texas Economy Surges in December!
*What Will They Do With Dallas’s Valley View Area?
*SEC Weaponized to Probe Banks on Guns and Fossil Fuel Source Disclosures?
*OPEC Struggles to Meet Quotas? What would happen if air travel reached a record rates?
*Europe Sleepwalked Into an Energy Crisis That Could Last for Years!
*Putin Loads Nord Stream 2 with Gas Ready to Deliver.
*$6 Gasoline for California?
*Soaring Energy Costs are Just the Beginning?
*IRS Says Thieves Need to Report Stolen Property as Income? What about the “victim deduction”?
*What Does “Antigenic Shift” Have to Do with New Highs on Blue Chips?
*Apartment Occupancy All Time High!
*Ted Cruz Wants Bitcoin Miners to Come to Texas for Flared Natural Gas!
*Bezos’ Got it Goin’ On!
*Let’s Get Ready to Rumble? SPAC’d!
*The Bee, or Not the Bee?
*Housing Market Grand Finale?
*EV Stocks Soared on Hype? What happens to valuations when actual revenue flows?


Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (01/07/2020 – 01/07/2022)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP 

Bitcoin Currency Spot Price (11/01/2021 – 01/07/2022)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

ARK Innovation ETF (02/01/2021 – 01/07/2022)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index – Quarterly Earnings Estimates (01/07/2019 – 01/07/2022)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Generic Crude Oil Future Spot Price (01/07/2020 – 01/07/2022)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Top 10 and Bottom 10 Year to Date (01/07/2022)

– Courtesy of Refinitiv Datastream


Profit Report

What does Dalbar teach us about investing?
The MGAM Planning and Research Process.


Research Round Up!

Investors are invited to improve decision making with a comprehensive tour of global economics, indicators, and actual results.
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*AllianceBernstein: 2022 Surprises!
*J.P.Morgan Investment Outlook 2022.
*Climate Change Commodity Dimension?

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