Published on: March 24, 2023

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - March 27, 2023

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for March 27, 2023.

Advance Report

Radio Show

Q: How is the U.S. Economy doing so far this quarter?
A: As of March 16, 2023, The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s Real GDPNow estimate is 3.2% for the first quarter 2023.
Q: What are some of the important forecasts for the financial markets in 2024?
A: There is substantial earnings growth potential for the S&P 500, projected real economic growth of 1.2% with inflation dropping to 2.5% according to Federal Reserve forecasts, and estimated potential shortfalls in oil and gas production.
Q: What areas of the equity markets does the McGowanGroup believe will outperform over the next year?
A: The McGowanGroup will highlight likely current portfolio allocations and realistic targets for investors.


Dow Jones Industrial Average (12/30/2022 – 03/24/2023)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

C.B.O.E. Short-Term Interest Rate Index & 10 Year Treasury Note Yield Index (12/30/2022 – 03/24/2023)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Deutsche Bank AG (12/30/2022 – 03/24/2023)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

SPDR S&P Regional Banking ETF (12/30/2022 – 03/24/2023)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Evolution of Atlanta Fed GDPNow Real GDP Estimate for 2023 – Q1 (03/16/2023)

– Courtesy of The Atlanta Federal Reserve


Headline Round Up

*Current Federal Reserve Announcements and Projections.
*Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, Pledges Backstop on Deposits if Necessary to Halt Bank Contagion.
*Recent Yield Curve Projecting a Return to Normal in 2024?
*Jobless Claims Decline for Second Week Near Record Lows!
*Existing Home Sales Up Over 14% in February with First Year Over Year Price Drop in 11 Years.
*Rent Inflation Slows.
*Tech Sector Outperforms Since Banking Crisis Began.
*Contingent Convertible Bonds Prove Danger of Derivatives and Structured Products. Global High Yield investments still positive so far in 2023.
*Ford Reports Electric Vehicle Division Loss of $2B and Forecasts Electric Vehicle (EV) Losses Growing to $3B 2023.
*Volkswagen Plans $200B Investment for EVs Over the Next 5 Years! VW Market Cap Only $70B?
*Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager of ARKK ETF, Cathie Wood, on the Zerohedge Bozo List!
*Million Dollar Listing Star, Josh Altman, Projects New L.A. “Mansion Tax” will Be the Hardest Hit to Real Estate Market Since 2007.
*California’s Residential Natural Gas Use Double That of Texas?
*China Set to Deliver 40% of Global Oil Demand Growth in 2023?
*U.S. Liquified Natural Gas to Europe in 2022 Accounted for 64% of U.S. Exports.
*R.E.I.T. Allocations in Danger with Office Defaults in 2023 Set to Rise.
*New Oil Forecast Prices Rising to $90 West Texas Intermediate Crude Over Next 12 Months?
*Array Technologies Inc.’s Sunny Solar Forecast: Earnings to Double in 2023?
*Goldman Sachs Sees Commodities Supercycle Soon!
*Bank Pays $1.3 Million for Nickel but Got Rocks Instead?


Profit Report

The End of Abundant Energy?


Research Round Up!

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*PIMCO: Growing Demand, Tight Supply for Commodities in 2023.

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