Published on: October 8, 2021

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - October 11, 2021

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for October 11, 2021.

Advance Report

Radio Show

What is Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)?
What does it mean for 2030?
Strategic petroleum reserve release or not?
Why are October earnings announcements important?
What are the important Texas energy gold rush updates for 2022?
Why are the Blue-Chip medical dividends priced so far below the S&P 500 multiples?
What is the “Rig Count” and what does it tell us?
Did that Debt Ceiling panic really matter?
How does investor anxiety work against investment returns?
How do clients benefit from automated and comprehensive performance tracking?


Headline Round Up

*$200 Oil? Dallas based Kyle Bass weighs in.
*Oil tops $79, a 7 year high.
*Drilling Rig Count BELOW the year 2000?
*Gasoline Hits $3.20 Per Gallon! Another 7 year high?
*Energy Department Says Release Strategic Petroleum Reserve Then Says Not To?
*Oil Truck Drivers Getting Up to $14k Per WEEK?
*Natural Gas at a 12 Year High!
*Putin To the Rescue?
*Taliban Lights Go Out When They Stopped Paying?
*Commodity Index at Record!
*Supply Chain Crisis in Ports.
*Europe Goes Nuclear!
*Chip Shortage Until 2022!
*Used Car Prices Surge to Record!
*Lotsa New Jobs!
*Austin and Dallas Lead Texas Home Price Gains.
*Another CHINA Default.
*IRS Made 11 Million Math Errors?
*Texas Both Energy Capitol and Bitcoin Capitol of U.S.?
*Congress Attacks Fed for Insider Trading! Is this the purge for MMT?
*Debt Ceiling Crisis Kicked to December!


Dow Jones Industrial Average (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Natural Gas Futures Spot Price (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

West Texas Intermediate Crude Futures Spot Price (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

U.S. Rig Count & West Texas Intermediate Spot Price (As of 10/7/2021)

– Refinitiv Datastream

Standard & Poor’s 500 Top 10 and Bottom 10 (As of 10/08/2021)

– Refinitiv Datastream

Profit Report

How Do Pipelines Get Paid?


Research Round Up!

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