What category performed best in the first week of trading?
What does that tell us?
What is the January Effect?
Why is it important?
What are the most likely policy changes?
What are the potential tax law changes?
What are the forecasts for 2021?
How does this week change the outlook for the Financial Markets?
What can we learn about the impact of more regulation and higher taxes on the Financial Market during the Obama Administration years?
Headline Round Up!
*Washington Takes a Dramatic Left Turn.
*Construction Spending Record Level!
*Manufacturing Boom at a 2 ½ Year High!
*Bye-Bye BABA? China’s Major Delisting of Telcos and Oil Underway? How to own Emerging Markets without China?
*Oil at $51?!
*Hydrogen Boom Needs Pipelines? What about Fuel Cells?
*Austin “Start Up” City Growth Pains. Every Longhorn wants to stay in Austin, I did!
*Dallas’s Most Heartbreaking Restaurant Closures? What happens now for survivors?
*Bill Ackman Scores 70% Gain in 2020. Alex, what is a Credit Default Swap? What was Bill’s worst year (Hint -20.5% followed by -13% followed by -4% followed by -8.6%)?
*Jeremy Grantham: 2021 “One of the Great Bubbles in Financial History.” How do we navigate this based upon tech wreck strategy?
*Bitcoin Payment Capability Traction?
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (Approx. 5 Years)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Crude Oil Futures Spot Price (01/11/2016 – 01/08/2021)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Yearly U.S. Economic Forecasts with Probability of Recession (2013 – 2022)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Quarterly Earnings Estimates for Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (3 Years) 
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (10/09/2020 – 01/08/2021)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Standard & Poor’s 500 Energy Sector Index (10/09/2020 – 12/30/2020)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Cushing Global Clean Equity Fund (10/09/2020 – 01/08/2021)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Bloom Energy Corp. (10/09/2020 – 01/08/2021)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Bitcoin Spot Price (10/09/2020 – 01/08/2021)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
U.S. Total Civilian Employment (1994 – 10/2020)
– Courtesy of Refinitiv Datastreams/Consensus Economics
Profit Report!
Bitcoin: How High? What does this tell us about the dollar and Inflation?
What did Facebook and Bitcoin’s initial rise and fall teach us about the dangers of popularity and cycle navigation?
2021 Infrastructure Package?