Published on: September 3, 2021

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - September 6, 2021

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for September 6, 2021.

Advance Report

Radio Show

Powerful Interviews

What is the case for optimism in America?
What do the trends in mass Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Cryptocurrency speculation tell us about the future?
What does The Penn Wharton Business Model say about the impact of current Federal legislation and potential tax increases.
How can I help American veterans and active-duty military?
Why should I have The Team That Cares on my side for the future?
What is unique about NetWorth Radio Leadership Interviews and how can they help me succeed?


Dow Jones Industrial Average (12/31/2020 – 09/02/2021)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (12/31/2020 – 09/02/2021)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

New York Stock Exchange FANG+ Index (12/31/2020 – 09/02/2021)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Global X MLP ETF (12/31/2020 – 09/02/2021)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Natural Gas Futures Spot Price (12/31/2020 – 09/02/2021)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

U.S. Crude Oil Stocks, Strategic Petroleum Reserve in MBBL (09/02/2021)

– Courtesy of Refinitiv

Headline Round Up

*U.S. Home Prices Surge to Record High.
*Rents Pop as New Investors Pile In.
*Highest Equity Valuation Levels Since 2000.
*Did Zoom Just Pull the Rug Out from Under Tech Valuations?
”Extraordinary Popular Delusions” and the Madness of NFTs and Crypto Speculations.
*Paulson’s Next Big Trade: Anything But Crypto and SPACs.
*Manufacturing Expands at Faster Pace Yet Backlogs Swelling?
*Amazon Hiring 40,000 in US.
*Natural Gas Explodes Again to 2018 High and 13 Year Seasonal High.
*China: “This is a Return from the Capital Group to the Masses of The People.”
*Huge Tractor and Pick Up Truck Pile Up: Built But Waiting for Components. When will the wave of fresh vehicles hit dealerships?
*Can Pipelines Put on the “Green Jacket?”


NetWorth Radio’s Powerful Global Business Leadership Series: Spencer McGowan Interviews Stephen Moore, Club For Growth Founder, Heritage Foundation Economist, and a Principal of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity! The Way Forward for America! 

Stephen Moore, who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, is the Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Project for Economic Growth, at The Heritage Foundation. He is also an economic contributor to FreedomWorks.
Moore, who also was a member of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board, returned to Heritage in January 2014—about 25 years after his tenure as the leading conservative think tank’s Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Budgetary Affairs from 1984 to 1987. He was a senior economist under Dick Armey’s Joint Economic Committee, and he played a large role in the creation of the FairTax proposal.

Advancing Burn Care For Active Military, First Responders, Veterans and Civilians! Join the List of Supporters!

Ryan “Birdman” Parrott, Author, Public Speaker, and Founder of two non-profits benefiting Veterans and First-Responders is originally from Detroit, Michigan. Ryan enlisted in the Navy after watching the Twin Towers fall on 9/11, and Parrott served eight years as a U.S. Navy SEAL attached to Team SEVEN, completing three combat tours to Iraq before being assigned to Advanced Training Command as an Instructor.
In 2005, while serving in Iraq, Ryan was riding atop a Humvee manning the gun turret in enemy territory, when his vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), causing a flash fire and throwing him from the Humvee. Ryan regained composure with his face and arms burned, and witnessed his fellow team members suffer devastating burn and blast injuries. While Ryan’s burns were only first and second degree, his teammates suffered lifelong injuries.
After completing his service, Ryan moved to Dallas, and in April of 2011, Ryan had the privilege of meeting a retired Army Ranger officer who suffered significant burn injuries, and Ryan was inspired and humbled by his display of strength and courage, despite his debilitating scarring. Ryan was discouraged that this Ranger, and others like him, were not benefiting from progressive treatment of burns in the same way that amputees benefit from incredible advancements in prosthetics.
In 2012, Ryan established Sons of the Flag to help burn survivors and their families find the help and medical attention that they deserve.
Ryan is also the author of Sons of the Flag: Real Accounts From The Last 100 Years of American Service.


Profit Report

Wharton Models for Federal Budgets and Taxes?
Best Client Questions? 
MGAM Disciplines and Evolution.
The 4 Asset Categories.


Research Round Up!

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*Nuveen Real Assets Real Income!
*Wharton’s Budget Model for $3.5 Trillion with Tax Increase Specifications.

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