Published on: May 28, 2021

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - May 31, 2021

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for May 31, 2021.

Advance Report

Radio Show

Summertime! Will the living be easy?
What are the updated Financial Forecasts for the next 18 months?
Can you explain the bizarre secret world of Cryptocurrency Lending and Leverage?
What was the surprise in Long Treasury Bond Yields this week?
What does that surprise tell us about Inflation and Bond Strategy?
What were the top 10 performers in the S&P 500 this week?
What were the bottom 10 performers this week?
Who is the newest team member of McGowanGroup Asset Management (What is he gonna do for me?)?


Headline Round Up

*Bitcoin Traders Using 100 to 1 Leverage??? What could possibly go wrong?
*North Texas Home Prices Up Over 13% Year Over Year!
*Emerging Market Bonds Strong!
*Feel the Burn! Dick’s Sporting Goods Doubles Sales and Scores Profit Triple Expectations.
*Memorial Day Weekend With Lowest Gasoline Stockpiles in Nearly 30 Years??
*Biden Says Buy Foreign? Key Metals for Electric Vehicles (EVs) to be Sourced Outside U.S.?
*Russia Says Current Oil Deficit is 1 Million Barrels Per Day!
*Is Tellurian, Inc. an LNG Lottery Ticket?
*Renewable Energy Up 45% in 2020.
*Green Hydrogen Vehicles By 2030?
*Net Zero by 2050? IEA All In? EIA Says “Ain’t Gonna Happen”!


Dow Jones Industrial Average (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Sectors – Cumulative Total Returns, Gross Dividends (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Top 10 and Bottom 10 Performers (05/27/2021)

– Courtesy of Refinitiv

Quarterly U.S. Economic Forecasts with Probability of Recession (Q2 2020 – Q3 2022)   

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

IPOX SPAC Index (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Healthcare Select Sector SPDR Fund (Approx. 22.5 Years)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Profit Report

What is the Role of SPACs in Today’s Capital Markets?
The Difference Between Clean Technology Innovation and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)?
Trustee Bootcamp: What is a Trustee? How to choose?
Best Client Anecdotes and Questions This Week!


Research Round Up!

Investors are invited to improve decision making with a comprehensive tour of global economics, indicators, and actual results.
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*Preparing for a “Variety of Inflation Scenarios”?
*Research Affiliates’ Rob Arnott: Diversification Recommendations for the Next Decade.
*Pimco’s View on Rates, Inflation, and Income Strategies.

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