Published on: October 9, 2020

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - October 12, 2020

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for October 12, 2020.

Advance Report

Radio Show

Financial markets this week traded remarkably in sync with Washington’s statements regarding stimulus and Federal Reserve activity. Important implications for investors!
*Are Market Indexes and an Economic Recovery dependent upon artificial stimulation and Why?
*What does PIMCO say about 3 to 5 year expectations?
*What has the Federal Reserve done so far?
*What have Congress and the President done so Far?
*What does it mean for 2021, 2022, and 2023?
*Is anyone concerned about inflation? Should we be?
*What strategies are likely to achieve success over the next 5 years?
*Why is using politics to make short term investment decisions like playing a round of golf by swinging your laptop?
Join us for a fast-paced tour of the Global Financial markets focused on you, the informed investor!
Dow Jones Industrial Average (Year to Date)  

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Quarterly Earning Estimates (10/09/2017 – 10/09/2020) 

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

C.B.O.E – Short Term Interest Rate Index, 10 Year Treasury Note Yield Index & 30 Year Treasury Bond Yield Index (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Exchange Trade Fund Flows (10/09/2020)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Quarterly U.S. Economic Actual & Estimated Forecasts w/ Probability of Recession (4th Qtr. 2019 – 1st Qtr. 2022)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Yearly U.S. Economic Actual & Estimated Forecasts w/ Probability of Recession (2013 – 2022)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Selected Assets of the Federal Reserve in Billions & Share of GDP (2016 – 2020)

– Federal Reserve Board, Bureau of Economic Analysis

MAC Global Solar Energy Index (01/01/2004 – 10/09/2020)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Natural Gas Spot Price  (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP


Headline Round Up!

*Congress and the President Use Fiscal Stimulus as a Campaign Tool with Headlines Driving Money Flows.
*Fed Prints Record Trillions! How Much?
*Bond Markets Reacted to Fed Minutes Not Actually Guaranteeing Zero Rates Through 2023.
*PIMCO Makes an Important Statement on What to Expect from Indexes for 3-5 Years!
*Morgan Stanley Swallows Eaton Vance for $7 Billion!
*Goldman Raises $14 Billion for What?
*Fear, Loathing, and Default in Las Vegas and New Orleans. What does the end of eviction moratorium mean for REITS in 2021?
*NASDAQ in Talks with Gov. Abbott to Move to Dallas! Trading “Gone to Texas.”
*Rare Earth’s? Trump Orders All In! Remember the rare earth stock trading? What about Cobalt, Congo, and Bill Gates?
*Morgan Stanley’s Balance Sheet Goes All in for V-Shaped Recovery!
*Value Stocks September Wake Up Call!
*Pipelines Spike!
*Joe Biden Cannot Ban Fracking? Why?
*Remember the headline from last week that seemed important to the markets, but now may not matter in the long term? 
*President and First Lady Tested Positive for COVID-19. UK’s Boris Johnson and Brazil’s President Bolsonaro Recovered After Testing Positive During 2020.
*Institutional Research Source Makes Predictions on 2021 Based Upon Election Outcome.
*Goldman Says “Blue Wave” Would Boost Economy! (and likely their earnings?)


Profit Report!

*Tax Plan Updates!
*Biden Tax Plan? 
*Trump Tax Plan?
*This Week’s Money Flow and Sector Performance Updates.


Research Round Up!

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*Alliance Bernstein: How to Reap the Most from Your Bond Allocations
*PIMCO’s 3-5 Year Outlooks

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