• What happens when investors are no longer focused on the election?
• What were the major distortions going into the election?
• What will the Markets look like when the Coronavirus crisis is over?
• Does distorted Performance correct itself?
• Does Valuation matter anymore?
• What does Net Present Value of future cash flows tell us about 2021 outcomes?
Dow Jones Industrial Average (Year to Date) 
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Quarterly U.S. Economic Actual & Estimated Forecasts w/ Probability of Recession (4th Qtr. 2019 – 1st Qtr. 2022)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Coronavirus U.S. Confirmed Cases (01/22/2020 – 10/29/2020)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Coronavirus U.S. Confirmed Deaths (01/23/2020 – 10/29/2020)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Coronavirus U.S. People Tested (05/01/2020 – 10/29/2020)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (Year to Date)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Natural Gas Future Spot Prices (Year to Date)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Bitcoin Spot Prices (Year to Date)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Dunkin’ Brands Group, Inc. (07/29/2011 – 10/30/2020)
– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP
Headline Round Up!
*Biggest Quarter of U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Rebound Growth in History!
*Coronavirus Case Surge Corresponds to Dow and Oil Sell Off! No Stimulus Xanax for Voters Before Election.
*Dallas Home Price Surge Over Last 90 Days! Nationwide Prices Spike
*Durable Goods Orders Up for 5th Month.
*Natural Gas Powers to Weekly High Over $3.30, Highest Since January 2019.
*Current Employment Tax Receipts at Over 96% of 2019!?
*Re-Opened: Brinker International Revenue 94% of 2019.
*Eli Lilly Lands First $375 Million for 300,000 Doses of Coronavirus Antibody Drug.
*Trucks Race Ahead! Ford’s Great Quarter.
*David Einhorn Sees “Enormous Tech Bubble.”
*A $313 Billion Dollar valued ANT? What is Ant Group?
*California’s Highest Earners to Pay 62% in Total Taxes Under Biden.
*Bitcoin Rally!
Profit Report!
*New Tax Brackets for 2021: 3 Tax Planning Steps!
*What Brings an End to the COVID-19 Crisis?
*COVID-19 Testing and Solutions: Methods, Tests, Cases, Treatments and Vaccines. Alex’s warning on hot tips?
*Could Digital Currencies Result in a 20% Drop in the Dollar?
*General Stats on the Net Worth of DFW Residents – In terms of general statistics, the Dallas-Fort Worth area is home to over 33,350 individuals who are worth between $5 million and $30 million (classifying them as very high net worth individuals, or VHNWIs).
In addition:
1. The number of VHNWIs in DFW grew 17.5% from 2018 to 2019.
2. This growth is higher than any other of the top cities for millionaires in the world.
3. High Net Worth individuals in Dallas alone (those with wealth between $1 million and $30 million) numbered 298,220 people in 2018.
4. DFW is home to 25 billionaires, including a number of multibillionaires.