Published on: October 23, 2020

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - October 26, 2020

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for October 26, 2020.

Advance Report

Radio Show

• Are the Financial Markets indicating comfort with either election outcome?
• Where does all this stimulus money come from?
• With Interest Rates at ZERO, what will the big money buy in 2021?
• What is a “Cash Flow Panic?”
• Where is the money flowing now?
• What are the dangers now to “COVID immune” tech stocks?
• Earnings versus Indexes? What does this tell us about Q4 and 2021?
Dow Jones Industrial Average (Year to Date)  

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Earnings Estimates (10/22/2017 – 10/22/2020)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Earnings Analysis (08/16/2020 – 11/15/2020)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Exchange Traded Fund Flows (10/23/2020)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Global X MLP ETF (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Netflix, Inc. (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Headline Round Up!

*Federal Budget Deficit Grew to a Record $3.1 Trillion! Alex, what does this mean for investors?
*Single Family Home BOOM! Building Permits at a 13 Year High and Existing Home Sales at a 14 Year High.
*Urban Apartment Depression? Wave of Evictions are Hitting and Rents are Plunging. The Most Expensive Cities in Free Fall?
*Municipal Nightmare: Yields Near Zero and Duration Risk at All Time Highs along with Empty Dorms and Bankrupt Cities?
*Corona Who? China Grows at 4.9% in Q3. Why does their GDP number come out faster than the U.S.? Predetermined outcome?
*Air Travel Passengers Exceed 1 Million, First Time Since March. 40% of Same Day 2019. Stay tuned for airlines financials and sector advice.
*Conoco Buys Concho Shale! Is Texas Permian ground zero for future supply?
*Pioneer Natural Resources Ready to Buy Parsley Energy!
*Kinder Morgan Within 10% of 2019 Revenue, Within 5% of 2019 Profits.
*Natural Gas Spikes Over $3!
*Oil and Gas Demand Restoration? Pipeline Spike!
*Dakota Access Pipeline Clears Hurdle to Double Capacity!
*Solar Breakthrough?
*Hydrogen Trucks?
*Texas Wind?


Profit Report!

*Earnings season is in full swing. Here are the intelligence reports and 2021 strategy implications across industries.
*Q4 and 2021 Institutional research from John Hook!
*Bitcoin? Global Finance Implications? Paul Tudor Jones Says Bitcoin Rally just in “First Inning”.
*After Coronavirus Panic to Buy “COVID Immune” Stocks, Short Netflix?


Research Round Up!

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*Digital Bank Currencies Pandora’s Box
*Emerging Market Debt: Opportunity

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