Published on: November 13, 2020

NetWorth Radio Advance Report - November 16, 2020

In this NetWorth Radio Advance Report, Spencer McGowan, President of McGowanGroup Asset Management, delivers financial news and intelligence with insights you can act on for November 16, 2020.

Advance Report

Radio Show

• How did the Financial Markets react to the election?
• Were the markets reacting more to the Pfizer announcement?
• How does Pfizer’s announcement of a 90% effective vaccine change the picture for 2021?
• How many other vaccines and treatments are coming over the next 6 months?
• Why are the markets ignoring the current pandemic resurgence?
• What are the biggest dangers for Investment Portfolios?
• What will a Biden administration do in 2021?
• What would a Trump challenge victory mean for 2021?
• How far can the Bio-Medical stocks run based upon current valuations?
• What will the markets look like when the Coronavirus crisis is over?
• Is there a potential energy shortage after COVID-19 is contained?
• The potential impact of zero cash rates?
• Could negative interest rates occur in the U.S.?
• What is a Cash Flow Panic?
Dow Jones Industrial Average (Year to Date)  

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

U.S. Employment Total in Labor Force Seasonally Adjusted (Approx. 2 Years)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

U.S. Jobs Openings by Industry Total Seasonally Adjusted (09/30/2018 – 09/30/2020)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Invesco Dynamic Credit Opportunities Fund (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Natural Gas Future Spot Prices (Year to Date)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Exchange Traded Fund Flows (11/13/2020)

– Courtesy of Bloomberg LP

Headline Round Up!

*Pfizer Vaccine Announcement Drives Huge Rally!
*2 Trillion in Money Flow on Monday?
*Even Dr. Fauci Says Pandemic Will End.
*Job Rally Continues! Job Openings Back to Healthy Levels Near 2019.
*Wall Street Coming to Texas!
*New Uptown Park and Development?
*How Fast Do Vaccines Make It Nationwide?
*Deposit Rates Taking Nosedive.
*Emerging Markets Hot After Vaccine Breakthrough.
*6 Hottest Energy Tech Stocks for 2021?
*Cummins Hydrogen Truck Engine?
*Global Oil Demand 95% Restored. Restoration Expected During 2021.
*U.S. Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Exports to China Back on Track.
*JPMorgan Asset Management Lowers 10 Year Forecast for Expected Traditional Allocations!


Profit Report!

*The Infrastructure discussion coupled with the Stimulus discussion.
*The return of Inflation and the opportunity for “Real Assets.”


Research Round Up!

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*Guggenheim Opportunities in Fixed Income
Including Scott Minerd’s Comments on Interest Rates
*Cohen and Steers: Inflation and Allocating to Real Assets


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