Published on: September 5, 2021

Powerful Interviews

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NetWorth Radio’s Powerful Global Business Leadership Series: Spencer McGowan Interviews Stephen Moore, Club For Growth Founder, Heritage Foundation Economist, and a Principal of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity

Stephen Moore, who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, is the Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Project for Economic Growth, at The Heritage Foundation. He is also an economic contributor to FreedomWorks.
Moore, who also was a member of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board, returned to Heritage in January 2014—about 25 years after his tenure as the leading conservative think tank’s Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Budgetary Affairs from 1984 to 1987. He was a senior economist under Dick Armey’s Joint Economic Committee, and he played a large role in the creation of the FairTax proposal.