Published on: June 30, 2021


The Future of Fiduciary Wealth Management and Asset Management

Asset Management is Fiduciary Portfolio Management of Investments with the goal of providing Cash Flow, Growing the Portfolio with Tactical Asset Allocation, and Mitigating Risks across a diversified range of Asset Classes.

Wealth Management is comprehensive, long-term Financial Planning designed to Protect and Grow Wealth for individuals and families. Wealth Management encompasses all possible financial aspects including Accounting & Tax Planning, Legacy Planning, Retirement Planning, insurance, estate planning, and charitable giving.

Key Objectives

  • Fiduciary based portfolio management from experienced managers
  • Advanced performance and tax reporting including CPA tax planning coordination
  • Estate planning coordination with your family attorney backed by experienced logistics support
  • Cash flow based financial planning services from trained professionals
  • a team approach from a highly ranked team with advanced training serving as your family office

Important Disclosures

  • McGowanGroup Asset Management, Inc. (MGAM) is a Federally Registered Investment Advisory Firm utilizing Pershing LLC, a BNY Mellon Company for asset custody.
  • Past performance is not be indicative of future results. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended and/or purchased by MGAM), or product referenced to directly or indirectly will be profitable or equal to corresponding to past McGowanGroup performance levels. The preceding material presented is for informational purposes and is not an endorsement or recommendation by The McGowanGroup.
  • Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. No client or prospective client should assume that any information presented and/or made available serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from The McGowanGroup.